Talent Scheme Success

Impressive success rates for Impacter users in Vidi (2019) and Veni (2020) cohorts

Published at  2020-11-11 by  Paul Tuinenburg

Due to Covid-19, the the outcomes of the 2019's Vidi and 2020's funding rounds were delayed. But last week, both lists were published. Impacter is happy to announce that many of the laureates were supported by Impacter. While our primary aim is to support every candidate in thinking about their potential for societal Impact, the current policy aims of various funders can give researchers an edge in this competitive funding landscape.

This being said, until everyone uses Impacter, it does appear to positively impact your chances. Let’s take a look at how the Impacter cohort compares to the overall population of the Vidi and the Veni from last round.

Vidi 2019 According to NWO, the national average success rate was 16%. Impacter supported 33 unique proposals, of which 7 were awarded the Vidi-grant of €800.000,-. That's a success rate of 21%!

Veni 2020 The Veni results are trickier to interpret, because in 3 out of 4 domains, NWO publishes the success rate based on submitted pre-proposals. However, Impacter supports the full-proposal stage. We are still awaiting the counts of submitted full-proposals across all domains, but we do have numbers for TTW (Applied Engineering Sciences) and ENW (which does not use preproposals). If we extrapolate the ratio of pre-proposals to full proposals in TTW (72 full proposals were submitted out of 156 pre-proposals) to ZonMW (medical/health) and SGW (Social Sciences & Humanities) and add up ENW, we arrive at a total of 684 full proposals. With 161 awarded, the success rate for the Veni round this year was 23,5%. In Impacter, we received 43 full proposals, of which 16 were awarded, a success rate of 37%!

Update: NWO shared with us they received 639 full proposals, which leads to a success rate of  25,2%

We're committed to help academics think specifically and constructively about their opportunities for societal impact. In our ideal world, calls that weight societal impact can also assess such impact fairly because applicants know how to describe that potential. Until we arrive at that ideal future, we are happy that we can already improve the success rates of our users.
For now, we want to congratulate all the laureates and wish them the best of luck with their research projects!

If you are curious to learn what Impacter can do for you, please get in touch with Paul Tuinenburg (paul[at]idfuse.nl)