Our experience in the EARMA Conference in Prague

Published at  2023-04-30 by  Paul Tuinenburg

After last year’s successful conference in Oslo, last week we had the pleasure to attend EARMA Conference in Prague, along with more than 1400 participants.

For the first time, Impacter was one of the sponsors, sharing the booth with our friends and partners from ResearchConnect. Our presence with a booth allowed us to showcase Impacter to all the interested research officers and to get direct feedback on the platform. We could meet some of our current customers and share ideas for new features and innovative ways to make the best use of our platform. We were equally thrilled to hear the enthusiasm with our involvement in the Global Campus matchmaking platform and happy to answer all the related questions about it.

It was also the first time for me, Ana, attending a EARMA Conference. And what a pleasant surprise it was! The relaxed and welcoming environment took me by surprise. The beautiful view, the enormous amount of natural light and the friendly community made the event look like a gathering of a big group of friends. It was remarkable for me to see how people were interested in knowing more about Impacter, willing to share their experiences and suggestions and always open for a friendly chat. I also had the opportunity to attend some of the workshops and learn more about grant writing, project management and support and Impact in grant writing.

The vast programme with a wide range of topics to choose from was not the only highlight of the conference. The gala dinner on the evening of 25th April at the beautiful Zofin Palace was also a memorable event for all the participants.

From the diverse programme and workshops to the beautiful dinner location and friendly participants, this was truly a successful event. We, at Impacter, are looking forward to (re) connect with all of you in next year’s EARMA in Odense, Denmark.

If you didn’t get the chance to talk to us about the opportunities with Impacter, feel free to contact us and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible!